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Strategic Litigation is very important in the advancement, respect, protection and fulfilment of Human Rights at the national and international levels. Human Rights Defenders faced challenges on issues relating to strategic litigation especially in conflict situations.
Today 23 March 2022, at least 80 Lawyers from the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon gained knowledge on the importance of strategic litigations. This was during a training organized by the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa in partnership with Réseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale (REDHAC) with funds from The British High Commission Yaoundé. It is worthy to note that the training which took place in Buea, will run for a period of three days (23-25 March 2022).
To promote, protect and respect human rights in Cameroon, CHRDA continue to draft research base legal analysis and human rights violation/abuse cases with detailed facts. The objective of our strategic litigation is to prevent human rights violations, help victims and facilitate accountability. Strategic litigation can be through courts, tribunal, advocacy, and other international institutions