We started the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Cameroon. The purpose was to engage both civil society and the government to enhance the respect and promotion of Human Rights in Cameroon. However, by late 2005, we realised the need to expand the scope of operation of the organization to the rest of Africa. Following discussions at the Center for Civil and Human Rights, University of Notre Dame Law School with other young and energetic Africans committed to the cause of human rights, rule of law and the advancement of democracy, and with the support of the Law School, we decided to create an organization that transcends national boundaries in Africa.
We thus decided to transform the Committee for the Defence of Human Rights to the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa (CHRDA) with regional offices in Cameroon, Sierra Leone and the United States.
Hence, what was once a very small but committed group of human rights advocates clamouring for human rights and democracy in Cameroon is today grown into a leading player for the promotion and enforcement of human rights and democracy in Africa. Our goal is to be the foremost Centre for human rights research in Africa.
We have a vision and a mission to take the human rights movement to higher heights. We are committed not only to Human Rights issues but to the development of democracy as a political culture that advances human liberty and sets a fecund platform for the advancement of Human Rights. These goals can be realised only by staying connected to the various communities at all times while working closely with other governmental and non-governmental institutions at national and international levels.
With the committed and energetic members of the CHRDA, we shall realise our dreams for an Africa wherein the human rights of the citizenry will not only be respected but also protected. We strive for a society where women and men will be treated as equals, one that democracy and the rule of law will not only be cosmetic but will be put into practice. We hope you will join us in our struggle for the protection and promotion of human rights and democracy in Africa.
Thank you for your interest in the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy and thank you for your support.
President and Founder,
Felix Agbor Nkongho Esq.
CHRDA monitors human rights, democracy and good governance in various African States. We believe that it is necessary to monitor the implementation of existing human rights standards in these countries and engage stakeholders on such issues in order to make constructive changes.
The Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa (CHRDA) is an independent and apolitical non-governmental organization. The Centre is a non-profit making organization created purposely for the promotion, protection and respect for human rights and democracy. To achieve these goals, CHRDA complies with national and international laws governing non-governmental organizations and their activities. Before 2005, CHRDA was known as a committee for the Defence of Human Rights in Cameroon. In 2005, it was renamed the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa. While drawing inspiration from a series of discussions in the University of Notre Dame law school among young, energetic and aspiring students, the founder of CHRDA, Bar. Felix Agbor Nkongho did not only rename the organization on paper but its regional offices were also created in Cameroon, Sierra Leon, and the United States of America. Our work ranges from human rights monitoring, documenting and reporting humanitarian aid, and provision of pro bono legal aid to victims of human rights violations, free vocational training to the population, advocacy, sensitization, and a host of other activities.
CHRDA is a Civil Society, Human Rights and Humanitarian Organization whose mission is to:
Our Vision: Achieve a just and safe society where Human Rights are protected and respected at all levels and people can meet their basic needs.
Where We Work: Currently, we operate in Cameroon, with our offices located in Buea, Southwest Region (head office), and Bamenda, Northwest Region.