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08 am - 05 pm
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Great human rights goals are achievable through partnership.

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We partner with responsible people and institutions.

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We work with diverse staff to achieve complex human rights.

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Our Mission

Enhancing the promotion and respect for human rights, rule of law, and democratic principles, Promoting democracy and good governance through on and offline campaigns, Developing strategies and gathering resources in securing compliance with human rights norms, Working with government authorities to improve human rights situations, to keep abuses to a minimum, and to encourage ratification of international treaties and agreements related to human rights, Providing legal services to victims of human rights violations at national and international fora (National Courts, African Commission), Legal Assistance to victims of Human Rights abuses (individuals and groups) by working in close collaboration with legal practitioners who render pro bono services, Collaborating with members of the legislative, judicial and executive branches so as to bring the necessary legal changes, Serving as a liaison with other (domestic and international) Non–Governmental Organisations focused on human rights, ranging from educational institutions, governmental and intergovernmental bodies to charities. Collaborate with the media to disseminate information pertaining to human rights education awareness-raising.

Everyone is entitled to human rights protection.

There is no humanity without human rights.

No democracy can work without respect for fundamental rights.


There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children.

More Programs
Humanitarian Aid
Humanitarian Aid

Through funds from our partners, CHRDA supports humanitarian actions aiming at providing food, water, health and shelter services to refugees and internally displaced ...

Legal Literacy
Legal Literacy / Education

Many human rights violations are perpetuated on a continuous basis because the victims of those violations are not aware of their rights. In this regard, we sensitize and educate ...